Before committing to a transaction, know what you’re buying. If you’re a seller, identify and fix problems to help support your valuation and negotiating position.
It is important to have outside help for the due diligence process to be objective, factual, and unbiased.
We plan and execute due diligence initiatives to give our clients deep insights into the acquisition target (buy-side) or the business they wish to divest (sell-side).
- Commercial Due Diligence covers areas such as market forces, risks, competitive environment, customer retention, quality of revenue, product mix, capabilities, and the commercial viability of the business to meet growth and revenue targets.
- IT Due Diligence captures information and risks related to systems, cyber security, infrastructure, and data privacy.
- Operational Due Diligence covers operations and core business processes, and support functions such as human resources, sales & marketing, and procurement.
Practice Leads
Andrew Yue
Managing Director
+1 (866) 200-2550
Mike Bender
Managing Director
+1 (866) 200-2550